Please I need help,I didn't know.

I'll try my best to explain this situation, I just found out I have a daughter my ex didn't tell me she was pregnant she hid it from me although her pregnancy and for 11 months. Last year my ex and I were on and off I did suspected she was looking different (eat more frequent,going to the toilet etc) she had and iud that she told me so I knew she couldn't get pregnant.. in April she stopped talking(via WhatsApp)to me but still let me see my son, I didn't know why she stopped talking to me for about a month. She eventually restored her WhatsApp and I talked again.. (we were having sex and I was sleeping with other people even though when she kept asking i lied to her)she was distant most of the time.. long story short I we got into an argument front of my father and his girlfriend(she found out I was sleeping with multiple women and one of them had contacted her) i told her i was single and she had no right to hack my fone I told her I was going to serve her papers to have my son over without her present, I called her a nigger and I didn't mean too I was just so angry that she layed out all my affair front of my family.. on that night she came downstairs and was wearing a robe I noticed her stomach was swollen when I left my father's home i called (she didn't answer) I had no other way of communicating with her so I told my father everything... the next day she was getting ready to go home (her house) i asked my father to talk to her, she denied being pregnant even though she was looking different.. I still didn't believer her she when home and my son came back to vist the following week I asked my son and he said mummy has baby tummy I was so shocked but I didn't tell her I knew I wasn't evolved the hole pregnancy she didn't tell me anything I guess she was bitter cause I was sleeping around and I called her a nigger. Her mother also claimed she didn't know her daughter (my ex ) was pregnant, we waited on her to call us to let us know when the baby was born.. instead my ex showed up and told my father it wasn't my baby, I was hurt but I didn't show it. Months passed with pandemic I wasn't able to travel to see my son for months no pics, no fone calls.. but my ex was in touch with my father to let him know how my son was doing.. today I found out the child my ex was claiming was actually my child idk what to do,(somewhat I do still care, and I am happy both kids are mine)im hurt but somewhat I do understand why she kept it quite but I missed everything isk if I want to work it out with her for the sake of our children's?? Please i need advice

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