Breastfeeding supplements


Hi guys! So I’m an underproducer and have been supplementing with formula and also pumping to at least get one full bottle of breast milk a day. Baby exclusively breastfeeds at night but takes too long during the day and gets frustrated. I’ve tried several supplements with little to no success and am trying to decide between ordering milky mamas supplements or legendairy milk. I’m going back to work in about a month and would like to have at least a few days worth of a stash for my baby once I go back 😭. For reference I usually only am able to get 1 oz total maybe 2 in the morning-noon and breastfeed before a bottle every time. Any help or input would be appreciated as neither of us are ready to stop nursing and I would love for her to be able to drink my breastmilk even if I’m not there with her.