Read please...

I am writing this post because I am lost.

I am a 29yr old woman dating a 36 yr old man, who is in a 5 year relationship. I recently found out I was pregnant and did not know exactly how to react. My significant other did not have a positive reaction... it was definitely negative.

We spoke and his only preference is that I get an abortion. I understand it’s my body and I have the final decision, but I feel so alone right now. I made an appointment with the abortion clinic to see what exactly my options are. I feel trapped because he has only voiced one option. If I get an abortion (I feel his needs and wants are met), if I keep the child, he will feel like he had no choice in the manner and trapped into being a parent. He has verbalized that if I keep the child there are a few scenarios. 1) I move out and we co-parent as friends 2) we stay together where we’re at.

- for each scenario we would continue couples therapy (we started since we found out I was pregnant)

I haven’t told any family or friends and I feel so alone and ready to just give up.

Please be kind, I am struggling internally.

I finally got an appointment and I am measuring at 9weeks 2days. I feel like I don’t have time to decide.