Mamas who have recently weaned of the breast


So my son has been nursing only before bed for maybe 6 weeks now before that he was still nursing 1x sometimes 2x during the night... yesterday was the first night he went to bed without nursing.... I offered he said no so naturally I showed him my breast to make sure it was a no and he didn’t want... shocked I let it be and we cuddled till he fell asleep. Tonight right before bed I asked if he wanted milk he said no... again shocked I said ok that’s fine. My fiancé asked him if he wanted his soy milk and he nodded and went to the fridge and my fiancé gave him some in his straw cup.

Will I naturally dry up? My breasts feel ok but I’m scared to get a clogged duct or mastitis. I’ve gotten a clogged duct before but never mastitis so I just want to know what should I do... do I let it run it’s course?

Also is it ok to be giving him milk in a cup before bed? I’m a new mama and my mom said she did that with me till I was about 2.5 and then I didn’t want anymore on my own.

I’m so emotional....literally crying on the couch as I write this.....18m of breastfeeding. Would’ve been 19m on the 6th if January.

Holy shit why am I so emotional about this right ?