Work relating

So I have had to take some time off work for my mental health. I told my work that I am taking some time off and my manager has made me feel really bad as she said I have let everybody down at work.

I don’t like taking time off work as I know I feel as if I am letting my work colleagues down.

Tomorrow I have to go back and I am going to get a talk to about me having time off. I am really feeling anxious and on edge and I feel as if I don’t want to go back as the manger has before said she is disappointed in me. I just know I’m going to break down and get upset in the office.

I am actively looking for a job anyway as I’m so unhappy there but I hate knowing I am having a talk to tomorrow 😟

Does anyone have any tips on how to lower my anxiety 😔I haven’t been eating properly and I can’t sleep

Once covid is over me and my bf are going travelling so that’s one thing to look forward to