Don’t do this if you have a nanny!!!

Dear parents: if you AND your husband/partner have off of work and you literally have nothing or at least very minimal stuff to get done DON’T MAKE YOUR NANNY COME TO WORK FOR THE LOVE OF GOD

both parents are home and 3 cleaning people. Possibly another adult later if the husbands mom shows up.

All I have done today is monitor him eating his breakfast and try to get him to play with his toys instead of wining because he can’t have his mom hold him while she emptied the dishwasher

The husband is a lazy piece of crap. He woke up at 10 and by 11 was already back in bed. Refused to help empty the dishwasher and threw a fit when the wife asked him to put 3 pairs of shoes into a bag for her.

I tried helping clean up and she told me to stop and that she will get it. So why am I here????

There’s a snow storm and I have an hour drive home. I’ve done absolutely nothing today so I don’t know why they had me come.

Literally the only thing that the wife has to do is put laundry away into the closet and drawers. You’re telling me you can’t make you husband be a father and take care of his kid for an hour to do that???

Like you’re telling me I have to be here for 8 hours just for you to put dishes into the cupboards and laundry into the closet??

I absolutely hate when parents do this!!!

My mom is in the hospital with fluid around her lungs, can barely breath, and has to get open heart surgery this week. But sure, text me and tell me how important it is for me to be here at work when you’re already giving me Thursday and Friday off for New Years. Tell me how important it is that I’m here for 2 days while you do nothing that’s important. Go ahead and make me feel guilty for wanting to be with my family just so you can put clothes away. I would love to hear more 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

For those commenting: I did tell them I need these days off. I told them I don’t want to work while my mom is in the hospital and that I wanted to be with my family. Instead of listening I got a text saying “well we understand but we really could use your help around here. So if you don’t mind, we still want you to come” so I said that I do mind and they still made me come anyway.

And this isn’t about this being my job. It’s about being a decent human being. You really need me for 8 hours so you can put clothes away?? No, you just don’t want me to be with my family when they need me.

ALSO: the wife works at a hospital (not the one my moms at) as a physicians assistant. So not only does she know how serious my moms condition is because I told her.. but she also has an education in this so she knows even more about it than I do. And she STILL made me come to work