I’m pretty sure I’m good at this point

Hey so In oct i started to be partially active i didn’t have sex but i did make my partner at the time finish on a blanket afterwards he fingered me and i was afraid he might’ve gotten a little on his finger I know he always wiped his hands on his pants or the blanket before touching me. I got my period several weeks later and started on bc pill after my period but i took a test the next week to be sure (it was negative) Then i got my next two periods on time as well (3periods total) but took another test after this last period over the weekend and it was also negative i know it’s more than likely just my bc adjusting to my body but i get heartburn sometimes (which i know could be the bc) and i just wanted to make sure that was normal because I’ve read stuff of women having periods if they were pregnant granted they had sex and i didn’t but i just wanted to be absolutely sure. Sorry if i sound stupid but I’ve been googling everything and i think I’ve made myself paranoid and wanted perspective from actual people. I’m still a virgin I’m just a lil antsy