Hi everyone!


Just a quick update on how things have been for the past few months. Madeleine and I are doing great! What a relief it is to finally say that! She's 18.5 months and growing like crazy.  90th percentile for both weight and height. Her doctor was very impressed with her speech (her parents just want a break) and she's still a daredevil without a single ounce of fear. We spent Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> in the hopsital for stitches AGAIN! I swear this girl never stops.

My PPD/rage are gone! Things have gotten so much better after going back to work  (Besides the shopping addiction🤫) I even like my husband again!

We've managed to stay healthy, thank God. Unfortunately, we lost my grandfather to Covid in November and since cases are so bad in Iowa, we weren't able to say goodbye. Now we're having to say goodbye to my great aunt and my husband's grandfather. So I pray all of you are staying safe!

We close on our very first house in FIVE DAYS! It's crazy to think about where I was six months ago and how I was ready to end it all. Guess it's true when people say that it does get better! For the first time in such a looong time I can finally say I'm happy! 😊

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and your little ones are doing well! 💛

I swear she looks different in every picture..