Best way to introduce cats?


My uncle passed on Thanksgiving. It was really hard on me for many reasons. We weren't told until days later because my other uncle didn't want to "ruin the holidays" on top of the fact of there being no funeral or ceremony or anything because of covid. But I was just asked if I would like to adopt his cat. My parents had him and my daughter went there for winter break (she goes every year) and has apparently become really attached to him and wants to adopt him. Which my parents are okay with.

I really want this to work so I have at least some piece of my uncle here. We already have one cat that will turn 2 in April. He's a very good kitty and handles other cats well outside of our home, but I know things can be different for inside our home since he sees that as his territory. What would be the best way to go about introducing them to eachother?