Fall back in love?

I’m looking to see if anyone’s ever been through a similar experience and what they did. I’ve been with my husband for 11 years married for 5. We have two kids and one of our babies was critically ill for 6 months due to congenital heart disease, she’s doing well now and is 1.5 I love my spouse, he’s my best friend. But I’m not sexually attracted to him right now, not for any reason but I feel some of our spark is gone I don’t want to say I’m not in love with him but I don’t feel passionately about him and our relationship has started to feel like more of a friendship. We do still have sex a couple time’s a week but I do it because it makes him happy and I’m not super into it. My marriage is very important to me and I want to get back on the right track but I don’t know how?? Has anyone been through this?