Last try Trying to conceive

Hello I’m confused and maybe someone can help me.

Ok I’ve been trying to conceive for a few months and ha e not been able too so this time I resulted to using the app basal temp and op kit.

My period came dec. 8 th

I had lots of sex on the 16 but.... the 17th -23 Was fertile days.

I ovulated on the 22 according to the app. But I took the op kit and got the solid happy on the 21st along with the egg white cm. We had sex again on the 23 and I still had cm egg white.

I dont think I mad it although he finished both times more on the 16th which was a day before my fertile window. Can I still have a chance ?? My breast are sore but then again they always are at this time and ohhh also on the 21st my op kit was solid and my basal temp was 99.10 now it’s 100.3. I’m not sick just have cramps n my lower side and tailbone. A slight headache. I have fingers crossed but I dont think so thoughts anyone. Thank you.