Pregnant?? *long*


Hi everyone haven’t posted in a little while,

A bit of back story I’ve had two miscarriags this year one at the beginning and the last I had a missed Miscarriage and had surgery to remove everything on the 28th September 2020 I’ve had a period since then on the 18th November and I was <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> after this ans never got a positive test, I then thought as I was past my predicted period date I must have not ovulated and then convinced myself that I didn’t ovulate and was going to come on my period, I started having a small amount of brown discharge yesterday so I thought my period was coming on as I was on cycle day 43. Today I took a pregnancy test to put my mind at ease as I still didn’t come on and the brown discharge has nearly stopped. I don’t really understand and I’m very scared to be pregnant again (we was TTC) as of previous pregnancy loss. I also took a ovulation test which I have posted a picture of. Just wanted some advice thank you.