Not looking good


I had a positive pregnancy test on 12/29. I’ve had several miscarriages in the past, so my doctor suggested I get blood tests to monitor my HCG and progesterone levels. My initial HCG test on 12/30 was 37.9 and my progesterone was 12.47. I was told my progesterone was borderline low, so I was was given progesterone pills. I had my second HCG test today 1/2 (lab was closed for NYD) and the number actually decreased to 20.1.

I’ve had plenty of miscarriages to know in my gut this doesn’t look good. However, I can’t help but to remain hopeful. ☹️ have any of you had a similar situation in the past? How did it turn out? I should mention that I have had no bleeding at all. Just some occasional light cramping. I’m 4 weeks and 2 days along.