All my friends are pregnant


Let's just address the pink elephant in the room right off the bat:

All my friends are pregnant and I'm feeling left out.

Literally, my entire feed (Facebook)on social media is one pregnant mama after another. I counted 3 scrolls, 9 pregnant bellies.

I know. I sound like a negative Nancy (sorry to all Nancys btw). I am happy for my friends and I can't imagine how exciting their journey must be for them. It's truly a beautiful thing and their happiness and glowing faces legit radiate through the screen. I guess I just want to share in that excitement too.

It doesn't help that I have an underlying problem. Besides the fact that I have a pituitary tumor (benign and affects my hormones), the thought of having children in my 30s is giving me major anxiety. I'm in my early 30s atm and in a 1.5 year relationship. I don't know when he'll propose (I'm hoping this year but I'm really not sure) and I want to have several children. I'm fearing that with the passing of time, my biological clock is just tic tocking away. TIC-TOCK-....TICK-FUCKING-TOCK!

I guess I'm just looking to vent...maybe share my similar woes with another glowgal. I don't want to come across as ungrateful, but it helps to get this off my chest. Anyone else feel the same?

Ps: I've talked about this with my SO and he tells me not to worry. That only makes me worry. Lol.