Thinking about trying clomid again

Sara • Happily Married 11-28-15👩‍❤️‍👨 Mommy to Leah Marie 5/9/19👧🏽 Trying for baby #2🤰🏽

I started taking clomid in December of 2017 and decided to stop either February or March of 2018 and finally found out I was pregnant on September of 2018 naturally, We tried for 3 years to get pregnant with our daughter.

Now our daughter will be 2 in May, and since she was 6 months old we haven’t been wearing any protection and I don’t take birth control. So it’s been a year and still haven’t got pregnant, and I wanted to have or be pregnant when she got closer to 2 years, so I’m thinking about trying clomid again, and I’m just wondering if I should give it a second chance and hopefully it will work this time.