I need opinions

So my dad passed away a few months before I got pregnant and my mom moved out before I had my son and now it’s mine and my husbands house. We got the whole house redone and we have this sun room in the back of my house my dad built it himself and the whole room is stained wood paneling and he was very proud of that room but he never got to finish it one wall is house siding because it used to be a deck. Anyway with redoing the house the wood stain doesn’t match anymore. It’s kinda like an orangey wood and it was super expensive to do and he spend a lot of time on this room. Anyway I want to paint it an off white to match the rest of the house because I want to make it into my sons play room which I already have all his stuff in there but I’m just not liking the way it looks and want to brighten it up but I also feel awful painting it because my dad did it and he’s no longer with us. My husband also wants to paint it but I’m just not sure what to do. We’re getting the one wall that’s siding redone with dry wall so I thought I could paint that a nice color and paint the paneling white. What are your guys opinions? Should I paint it the way I would like it or keep it as is because my dad worked hard on it? It’s a very nice room and when it was first done it did match the rest of my house but now we have grey floors throughout the house and white furniture. Sorry this is so long I’m just not sure what to do.