Should I worry about discharge?

So I'm about 6 weeks pregnant and I've been getting this wierd discharge that smells kinds funky.

I was spotting a little last night, along with a few mild cramps, which isn't a cause for concern as I know light spotting and mild cramps are normal around 6 weeks because of implantation.

But is this discharge anything to worry about? This is my second pregnancy but I cant remember if my discharge had changed in my previous pregnancy. I can't ask a midwife as my first appointment is an over the phone appointment in about a month time because of covid 19.

I'm a bit worried because me and my partner have been trying for 2 years now and the last thing I want is to have a miscarriage.

So is this discharge a worry, is it to do with implantation or just normal changes of the uterus/cervix from pregnancy?

UPDATE: I haven't had anymore discharge like this since I posted this. It might've been blood in the discharge maybe from spotting the other day. If I get anymore like this or bleed heavier than spotting I'll contact my midwife.