Husband doesn’t want to watch the birth?

Krystal • Mama to one boy July 2021 after 4 losses.

Anyone else in my boat? My husband gets super queasy around blood and fluids etc, so he’s happy to be with me during labour and wants to just go out while I’m pushing and come back in straight after. He’s Indian so the sex and private area is a very private topic also so like me having my legs open while they stick up etc with a few drs and nurses isn’t ideal for him. I know it’s the way things happen and I’m all for any of it I just want the baby here safe whatever has to happen happens. I don’t want to push him to do something uncomfortable but I can’t help but feel like I’m missing out too as I’ve had a few friends have their partners be there and a few that haven’t and it would be a lot better I suppose having that extra support. Anyone been through this? Have a partner not wanting to see birthing were you able to change their minds? I’m not completely unhappy about it but I think for our first baby it’s meant to be such a beautiful thing and I want to experience that preferably not alone when it actually happens. Idk thoughts ladies.