Be encouraged

Lededra D • Hey, I am 26 years of age. Me and my better half have being trying to Concieve for 6 years. Hopefully we'll be able to get our little blessing.

What I am learning is that there is purpose in those fiery trials. There is not one trial that I've been in that God hasn't used to help me minister to someone else about. So, Stay in the fire. Stay in the press. Stay on the potters wheel. Wherever God has you right now that is hard, that is causing discomfort, that is making you cry, that is making you want to give up or that is making you feel physical pain in your body. That is making your pride flare up; stay there. Stay right there because God is purging you. He's causing you to divorce some ideas, mindset and even actions that is not of Him. And once He plucks the root of it out of you. He's going to use you to minister to some one else in that very area. And when you speak there will be power because you'll actually have defeated it. So dont give up in your trials. Stay there and push in prayer. Push in studying the word of God. Push in fasting. Pushing in believing God word. Push in dyeing to yourself. Push!!!! There is an anointing in your push and it is the anointing that destroys the yoke. Push forth in Jesus name.