Am I crazy?

My husband and i have been trying for baby #2 for a little over 2 years. We have a 3 1/2 year old daughter who is honestly the sweetest (most of the time). Anyway, I'm a hairdresser, and my sis in law came for a haircut, we get through the whole appointment just talking and catching up. At the end of the appointment she asks me if there are any babies on the horizon. I was honest with her and said we've been trying but it's just not happening as easily as the first time. I was staying positive but opened up to her about something very personal. She decided then to tell me she's pregnant. She had only taken a pregnancy test 3 days before that. Is it me or is that just a little strange. The fact that she announced it so early on and her timing. If she was farther along I think I'd feel differently. I don't think she had to tell me so soon, even before my husband knew, before any of my husband's family knew. She's also said she's had several miscarriages in the past, so why in the world would you announce a pregnancy so early?! My mind is boggled. Side note: I have never felt any negative feelings towards anyone getting pregnant around me, that is until now. I hate feeling like this. I guess I just need to hear how other people would have felt.