I need advice

Hello ladies so I’m 6 months pregnant and my BD left me alone since I announced my pregnancy.. I reached out twice telling him I wasn’t going to keep him away from his child, or put him on child’s support. No response at all, he don’t even read the message I don’t know why he just up and left😔 then I recently reached out to his mother she said she would call but never did smh.. now It’s like I’m running into brick walls.. he doesn’t even know the baby gender or my due date. He doesn’t even want to know. I don’t know what to do anymore. I think he feel like he can run away from his problems because we are in two different states.. It’s just not fair. Now the way I’m feeling whenever I do have my child would I be wrong for keeping him away and just putting him on child support? Like I never wanted to be the one that have to do child but i totally understand. It’s hard raising a child with no help and especially not his father around .. any advice!?