Droopy lipped dog

I posted last week about my dog that had a very droopy lip on the one side (accompanied with a bad photo of her in mid blink which made her look insanely unwell). This did not improve with antihistamines in case it was a sting, nor did it improve over the next day so I took her to the vet as soon as they reopened, but they have no clue what's wrong with her!

They ruled out a stroke because it's only affecting her lip, not her whole left side. Her pupils were fine, her eye is not drooping on that side. The vet said it's either a side effect of the calming medication I gave her on New Years <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> (within the recommended dose and nothing since 19:00 on NYE), or she said it might be a pinched nerve.

She got a cortisone shot on Saturday, and has been on half a pill twice daily since but there's been absolutely no improvement whatsoever.

It's not affecting her eating ability, her appetite, her balance, her energy levels or anything. Her lips on that side are just super floppy as if they're paralysed. She is of course, extra drooling on that side and I think when she tries to close her jaw the droopy lips gets between her teeth because it takes two of three attempts to close her jaw.

Are there any vet techs or trainees on here that might have any indication as to what it could be, so when I take her back I can tell the vet, "hey let's try this? "

She's an extremely healthy dog, the only issue I've ever had to take her to the vet for is her hips (dysplasia from a young age).