Fertility tea after ovulation day


Hi. My fiancé & I just started actively TTC and I have been OBSESSIVE with trying to do all I can to make sure my body is ready during the implantation period. My ovulation date was 2 days ago (4th) according to another app. We had sex within the 2 days before ovulation including ovulation day. However, my CM was sticky on ovulation day. 2 days prior it was watery/egg white. Is it possible my ovulation date was off? For this app (Glo) it says my ovulation date is tomorrow, but my CM is not the right consistency at all.

Also, I just switched to prenatal vitamins from my daily multivitamins and started a fertility tea. But I’ve read that you shouldn’t take fertility tea after ovulation due to the progesterone. So I’m a bit lost and unsure. I wouldn’t want to ruin my chances by doing “too much”.

Hope that makes sense! Any advice for this newbie will be great ☺️ Thank you!