An clue what it could be?


I don't know what I could possibly have after so much research but it freaking hurts. Mind you I can still get through my day to day stuff because I have a decent enough pain tolerance like my mom.

Here's how it first started (any ideas are helpful).

Back in November a week and two days before Thanksgiving I started feeling pain when I wiped. This was a Saturday morning and by night time i had found my lips down there mildly swollen. Sunday morning I told my parents that I wasn't going anywhere because I was in pain. My dad rolled his eyes because I'm always in pain (you know pcos, we all know the feeling). I told my mom that I wasn't playing and that it really hurt to walk, this is because I woke up to find the swelling had grown. Flash forward and Monday afternoon while my dad was out at work, i showed my mom what I was going through. She almost cried because of how bad it looked. She said it looked like there were balls (testicles) hanging out of me. She calls my dad, they both panic and she takes me to the ER. I spent nine hours waiting for them to attend me, no one knew what it was not could they handle it because of the virus. I get sent home after being given a tylenol. 🙄

Two days later after some research on where I could go with the type of insurance i had i decided that a same day clinic would be smart since because of the pandemic all of the slots for my PCP were booked out until six months. I went in and the doctor saw me quickly. She did a swab of my vaginal and a urine test. Prescripts antibiotics and a steroid injection to get rid of the swelling. The swelling according to her was of the skin around my clitoris.

Right after I got out i get a call from the PCP and my gynocologist that they both have an appointment for me. I go to the gyn the next week and she prescribed antibiotics for a yeast infection and i ask for an ultrasound since that's what the doctor at the same day clinic said I should ask for. I was lucky enough to get the ultrasound the same day. My PCP appointment happened a whole month later.

The swelling went down about a week later. So I was fine externally during Thanksgiving, just a lot of cramps, pain in my abdomen and back. This pain has been going on since a week before the whole swelling stuff and we'll after treatment. I went to my PCP appointment on the 22nd of December and she casually mentioned that it looked like my ultrasound found a cyst, but she didn't say WHERE.

I'm about a week out from my follow up with my gyn for the ultrasound results atm. But my swelling started returning slowly a week ago. The pain and cramps have been constant since the start of all this and sometimes my hips feel like they've popped out of place.

Any ideas on what it could be? I'm not sexually active and haven't had sex yet.