Drug addiction


This is probably gonna be a long one so buckle in.

So, my stepsister had a drinking problem a few years ago and ended up getting a DUI. Following the DUI she had to do community service where she ended up meeting her now boyfriend and baby daddy who is addicted to heroin. She didn’t know this when she met him (she claims). He overdosed the day before she had their baby which put a lot of strain on their relationship but she still stood by him because now she has a child with him. Then, he got arrested about 3 times at their home and thrown in jail for using and dealing heroine. The last time he was thrown in federal prison and her and my niece where forced to move back in with my parents because she couldn’t do it alone financially. She became extremely skinny from stress and would only drink beer and a cracker so she wouldn’t pass out. She looked sickly. He was in prison for about a year and while he was she would call him daily and send him money when he’d ask for it, but they decided they weren’t together anymore, but not seeing anyone else either. He would call her pissed off if she didn’t put money into his bank account when he asked her too while he was in prison. Fast forward, he gets out in December and they’re back together. This irritates the fuck out of me because she deserves so much better. She is not the type of girl I EVER imagined being with someone like this. She’s beautiful, kind and so hard working and he walks all over her. I guess my question is, how do you get someone in her situation to see the light? I know the majority of the reason she’s trying to work it out is for her daughter but I don’t feel like it’s a good environment for either of them.