Late night ER visit


πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜” this child. Oh my goodness. So yesterday she skipped nap. She laid in her crib laughing and playing with her blankets. After playing in her crib for 2 hours I just got her out. Fed her a snack. She was running around like a crazy person. Like, just non stop. She ate dinner and then went right back to running around like crazy. Was jumping in her moonbounce and using her new slide. We have gotten her so many large motor indoor play activities to help with her energy level since everything is closed and its too cold to go outside and her TV obsession had gotten out of hand so we had to just cut it out unless we're in the car. My family makes fun of us when they come over because of how much everything is baby proofed. Its literally just short of bubble wrapped in our whole apartment. But... does that stop her from getting hurt? Nope. No. No. She had a toy in each hand and she was trying to get up on the couch. She does this easy all the time. Her back was to me, so I didn't see that she also had a toy in her freaking mouth, cause you know those canines have been a real bitch these last several weeks so everything is in the mouth now. Welp, this girl was trying to get on the couch at a million miles a minute, with her hands full, and she slipped. Somehow the toy in her mouth (it was just one of her "little people" animals) managed to tear her frenum all the way and sliced about an inch split between her inner upper lip and the gums. She has never been okay seeing everyone in masks. I cant take her to the grocery store because she looks at everyone in masks and it scares the shit out of her. So the ER covid style was NOT FUN. She did not stop screaming for an hour because anytime someone tried to see her mouth she freaked out and clutched onto my husband. (Whom had only been at work for 30 minutes when it happened and I had to call him to come home immediately to take us to the ER because I have anxiety and cant so drs offices or hospitals without him)

When they were finally able to actually see the injury (we had to pull out the big guns, Frozen on a cell phone) they said that there isn't anything they can do to that specific area so it will have to heal on its own. He said the split between the gums and lip will go back to normal but the frenum may not heal, which he also said "shouldn't interfere with speach or eating" ... 😩😩😩😩 I'm exhausted this morning but just cant stop watching her sleep on the monitor. Ugh how can someone so cute be so crazy? My nerves are shot. Send help.