TTC Advice/Tips PLEASE


My fiancé (husband in 22 days) and I are going to start trying for a baby this summer(thinking June). Right now I am on a combo pill(ortho-cyclen). We are both in fairly good health and are stable financially. I go back to my family doctor next month who will also be my baby doctor. I am going to talk to her more about this process then but am hoping to get some answers/advice from you ladies...

1) If you were on birth control, how long before trying did you go off of it?

2) When did you start taking PreNatals? Brand recommendations?

3) What brand of tests did you use?

4) What did you do to prep yourself (health wise) for trying?

5) What are questions to make sure to ask the doctor about the trying process and pregnancy for me in general?

6) What did your partner do to prep himself? Any advice from your partner to mine?

7) What advice/tips do you have on TTC and pregnancy?