Starting IVF! Well wishes, prayers, tips, and lessons learned welcomed.



We’re getting to start the <a href="">IVF</a> journey. A little ablut me, I’m 39, and have stage 4 endo (diagnosed by my doctor after my second surgery). I got pregnant naturally once back in august and unfortunately that pregnancy resulted in an ectopic pregnancy. So we’re praying for a rainbow baby.

Our reproductive team has been great with making sure we understand everything before we get started, but there’s sooo much to learn. And it’s so expensive, even with some assistance from my insurance. My partner has been so great through this process and he’s so excited to be a dad.

Here a few of the questions I’ve asked my doctor, but would love thoughts from you wonderful ladies.

1. If pre-implementation genetic testing revealed a Chromosomal abnormality’s (Eg, down syndrome), and you had other viable and mature (eg normal) embryos you could use, what would you do with the abnormal ones? Our doctor recommends either disposing of them or donating them to science, but is it crazy to think I may want to get pregnant with it. I would love it like I would any other child.

2. How do you compare cost for meds? Is there a particular website you use? I’ve seen a number of people state how important it is to shop for <a href="">IVF</a> medications because they rang so much in price but I haven’t come across any websites that offer price comparisons.

Any of helpful information you can share about this very overwhelming process would be great.
