Weight concerns?


My 7 month old hasn’t gone up in weight since early November. I am only breastfeeding and we started solids when he was 6 months. We had a follow up appointment on Monday and his doctor told me to stop breastfeeding and switch to formula and up his solids and then next Monday she will check him out again and if hasn’t made progress then she will have to admit him and at that point they’ll will be observing us to see if I’m im neglecting him? He was born at 8lbs and is currently stuck at 17 pounds. He used to be in the 90s% percentile for both weight and height but weight has gone down and height just a bit. She and a dietary consultant told me to just breastfeeding and to give him six 6 oz bottle a day..... he HATES bottles refuses them. He literally yells at the top of his lungs and well I don’t like seeing him like that so I just end up breastfeeding because he will literally not eat and well that’s not ideal in our situation. She rand a bunch of test and everything came back normal. He loves food we are doing both purée and table food. I’m just scared he won’t go up by Monday. What will they do then? Anyone gone through something similar?

He is eating sweet potato’s here. He loves them.