Dying to test ....

Taylor • 🐾 05.09.20 💍 Due 09/25/2021 🍼

Uuugggghhhhh !!!!!!!!! I’m only 4DPO and I am soooo anxious to test!!!!

I brush my teeth everyday & it is rare that I miss a day. I’ve watched a ton of YouTube videos and a rare “symptom” I never believed to be a symptom is bleeding gums. This morning when brushing my teeth, my gums bled!!!!! That hasn’t happened in so.. many.. years! I can’t recall the last time that happened. So I was very confused .. then shocked 😳 😍♥️

I am excited to see if it is a symptom! I will test on Sunday (8DPO).

I’ve had some faint twinges almost everyday. Sunday night it felt like air moving but it was different than a gas bubble. I remember that happening when I had my chemical in October.

I am just so hopeful..... anxious.. excited 🥺

Please pray for baby dust with me ♥️👏🏼🤰