When do you plan to stop swaddling?

Caitlin • 🔥 2/15/19 🔥 💎10/8/20💎 Severe Preeclampsia Survivor 💪🏻

So I had a weird scenario. I stopped swaddling a month ago, son is 13 weeks old. I stopped because he seemed to be fighting the swaddle during straining episodes due to digestive issues. While we still deal with some digestive issues, a formula change helped drastically but frequent night wakings continued. I noticed he still startles and jolts awake so gave the swaddle another try. He slept 2 hours for a nap which is unheard of. He has been rolling belly to back since 2mo (though he sort of slowed down and doesn’t do it as much) and has never shown as of yet an inkling of rolling back to tummy. I will ask the pediatrician tomorrow if I can have more time with the swaddle until he matures more. What are your thoughts?

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