10 days after giving birth.

So it's been 10 days since I had my baby girl! I don't normally do an anonymous post but I am embarrassed. I had to get a quick catheter to help me pee after I had her, the epidural had worn off by then and it was painful, I've never had one before. I haven't really had problems going to the bathroom at all since I've been home but all of the sudden I go to pee today and it hurt so bad I almost stood up without even thinking about it, I just went again and it hurt so bad to pee that I yelled ouch and my SO came to ask what was wrong. I'll call my doctor tomorrow but until then I wanted to see if anyone had been through anything similar? What was it? Did it go away. I don't even want to drink because I know I'll have to go soon after and it's just been one thing after another so this sucks. It hurt for probably a good minute or two after I was done and now everything feels fine until I have to go again. Any advice is appreciated because I wanna cry🙃