My Birth Story


My doctor scheduled me for a medical induction on December 18th due to the size of my baby boy and my "advanced maternal age". I am 38 and his due date was December 23. We went in at 7am to get things going. I am a FTM so I wasn't sure what to expect. They got me all hooked up to the monitors and my doctor came in to check me around 830am. She asked me how much pain I was in and I said my surprise she said I was having contractions every 2 minutes without starting the pitocin and was 2cm and 80%. I had no idea! They started the pitocin and my contractions increased to every minute so they backed it down. Still no pain. Around 1030am she came in and broke my water and they increased the pitocin. That's when things got real! I started feeling the contractions but not to bad and my blood pressure shot up to 180/107. They came and took blood and a urine sample but it showed nothing. It turns out I must have a high pain tolerance as soon as I got the epidural around 1pm my blood pressure went back down. I was able to rest for a while. They kept increasing the pitocin throughout the day. At 530 they checked me and was 10cm and ready to push! At 5:56pm we welcomed our sweet boy into the world...Owen Clay 8lbs 6.6oz and 21 3/4 inches long! He is 3 weeks today and we are so in love with him. Want to give a shout out to the best nurses ever. They made my experience giving birth a wonderful event!