How did your dog act when you were pregnant?

Before I got pregnant my dog would hardly have anything to do with me, she would lay with everyone else in the family but never had anything to do with me. I'm 18 weeks pregnant and the last couple of weeks she has been stuck up my butt lol. She constantly wants to lay on me and she follows me around. She also acts like she's a mommy to her stuffed toys, she's been carrying them around and cleaning them like they're puppies. She also acts protective over them if somebody tries to pick them up. Shes also been stealing throw blankets off the couch and kind of wraps her stuffed animals up in the blanket and lays on them. Shes never done this before, not even when she's in heat, and she's never had puppies before. I have a friend who use to work in a vets office and she said that dogs can smell the pregnancy hormones and by the way she's acting its almost like she's in "mommy mode". Did anybody else's dogs act like this when you were pregnant?