I have PPD

I didn’t think I was going to get this . I love my son. I didn’t think I would suffer from this type of depression I kept really quiet about it until today that I received a call from a social worker through my insurance did it really get me thinking that hey I am suffering from a little bit postpartum depression. I want to talk about it but I just don’t know how or who to talk to I come to this app for support to see if any other moms have this I feel like I am kind of suffering alone I do have other family members not my immediate family but on my partner side who have also had it but just don’t know how to reach out to them it’s hard thinking about it just because I do have help with my son but I feel like it’s a burden to ask those to help me just want to know if any other moms maybe feel this way also feelings kind of stressed about going back to work the social worker described as a spell separation anxiety from my son and I never thought about it that way and could could be a little bit