So I heard that taking Mucinex DM could also increase your chances of Conception 🥰 I'm not too sure, and I'm NOT A DOCTOR I'm fixing to try this out! I've been watching videos , and I actually did have the coronavirus and so I was taking it anyways, I got my positive ovulation test today ... so I am going to do the baby dance and I took one of the Mucinex DM pills like 30 minutes ago!!!The whole purpose of it... is it thins out your mucus, including DOWN THERE.. (tmi) because some of us don't get that egg white mucus , and I am one of them I do sometimes I guess , but not like that! ALSO LADIES I only have one working fallopian Tube!! My right one has scar tissue( due to Rare Ectopic) its not even called an ectopic for me but I was 12 weeks! (I didnt know for a while) so wish me luck guys I'm super excited and I can't believe I'm even posting this ...and for those of you that think what the heck why is she using Mucinex !?!? go look it up and see what you think.. I have used Preseed so many Times. It hasnt worked for me. I'm wondering if I should apply that AS WELL tonight