Experience with ultrasound needed!


Hi all!

So I did the SneakPeek at home test about a month ago and it said we are having a boy. For anyone not familiar, if it says boy, there is a chance the sample was tainted by DNA on you or on the surface from a male in your house (there are 2 in mine). I had an ultrasound late last week at 14.5 weeks and the tech asked if we knew what we were having and I explained the situation to her. She attempted to look and said “there’s nothing here that is making me think it is obviously a boy”. She said she would never say the sex before the anatomy scan but what she said made me think she doesn’t think it’s a boy. I know it’s early but with my son, it was very obvious that he was a boy on ultrasound at 13 weeks. Anyone have experience with this? What was the earliest you were able to see the sex with ultrasound?