Sleep Training?


Any input is welcome.

My daughter has always been very attached to me. And as a SAHM, I’ve been with her 24/7 for pretty much every day of her life aside from maybe 3 days total when my mom kept her.

She naps on me and I really don’t mind, but it’s become an issue when we are out and she has to have somebody holding her in order for her to nap. She is VERY sensitive. So cry it out doesn’t work for us, she will stand up in bed and cry until she vomits and then shakes horribly even an hour after we have gone to get her and try to soothe her. She has been breastfed since birth, still is at night and occasionally naps if we are home~ never taken a bottle or paci. She will hold a doll or blanket to go to sleep, but does not rely on it for comfort and is fine sleeping without it. Any tips or tricks y’all have found work for your babies to sleep alone?? Or any items you bought that are helpful??