Mental cock block- help!


TMI kind of post-

Coming up on my fertile week and my man has been dealing with some depression, and is definitely feeling the pressure to preform, which means he usually can’t, and then he’s mad at himself and frustrated because blue balls suck. It’s a vicious cycle.

We have only been trying since the summer, but I don’t think my BC really cleared my system fully until the late fall because that’s when my cycle finally stabilized. So in my mind we’ve really only been trying since November. He is also feeling pressure- as if we should already be pregnant.

I’m trying to be supportive, reminding him there’s no rush or deadline to get pregnant. Not mentioning my fertile days so he doesn’t feel heightened pressure or anything. I’m not mad or frustrated myself and if we need to just go easy for a month that’s fine with me. But he’s still really getting in his head so every time we try and it doesn’t go well it just gets worse.

Any advice on something I could do to help him feel less pressure and maybe have some fun?