When were/are you getting induced if you don’t go into spontaneous labour??

Hayley • 👦🏼👩🏻💍👶🏼💙👶🏻💗

So I live in Australia and I have fairly well managed diet controlled GDM. Baby is in the 30th centile so Drs have let my numbers go ever so slightly higher.

I’m now 38weeks and just booked my induction for 40 weeks 4 days. Anyone else allowed to book induction past due date? It’s what I wanted but at the same time I’m nervous because with my first pregnancy they offered 39week induction which I declined and set it to my due date (which worked out perfect as I managed to have him the day before!).

You hear all the horror stories of increased risk of stillbirth and placenta issues with GDM so feeling nervous!