Opinions please!


I know everyone is sick of Covid talk but I'm so frustrated with my job. I work for a small company (5 employees). My coworkers go into nursing homes and hospitals that have active covid cases and until now if they visited one they had to quarantine for 14 days and have a negative test to come back to the office. They have all now been vaccinated (I don't qualify yet). So my boss has lifted those restrictions and they are now allowed to come back immediately. I am really really upset over this and have voiced my concerns to my boss who has said she is comfortable with her decision. I even contacted the CDC and asked them about the possibility of vaccinated individuals still being able to spread the virus and if vaccinated individuals still need to adhere to quarantine guidelines after direct exposure. None of it mattered. To top it off, all of us have the ability to work from home. I am SO careful in my personal life, I don't go anywhere but work and my mothers since my girls go to daycare there. I haven't seen my husband's family or any friends since March last year. I feel like this is such a slap in the face to me, taking all the precautions just to be unnecessarily exposed at work. Am I wrong?