Toddler food strikes!

Calling all parents of toddlers, I need some advice. My 15 month old boy hasn't eaten solids properly for quite some time now, and he's recently gotten really obsessed with getting my boobs out my shirt to latch on himself.

He refuses to eat most foods. The only thing he will actually and sit and eat a full bowl of is porridge.

Today he's eaten a maybe 5 small grapes, a cereal bar, few slices of apple, some cornflakes and one biscuit. Other than that he's just wanted breast. (And spent a lot of the time biting down hard on my nips too). Today was a good food day.

He would happily go all day with nothing, other than breastmilk and one bowl of porridge.

He drinks plenty of water throughout the day, we give him his vitamins every morning.

He's not underweight, in fact he's a chunky little guy. I just can't help but worry about him not eating. He's a very happy boy but when he wants milk he just gets really clingy and cries a lot until he gets it.

I don't want to wean him off yet, I want to go on breastfeeding another year like I did with my daughter when she was little, but the obsession with wanting breast, coupled with helping himself, biting and not eating solids is making me really consider weaning early.