Bleeding concerns

This is my 2nd pregnancy, 8 years later, and I’m 27. I am around 5 weeks pregnant and I have been bleeding more than I feel comfortable with.

It started out brown spotting for a couple days and then turned pink/red. For the past few days it has increased to a medium flow and red/dark red, and has a mucous/watery consistency. No clots. This will be my 8th day bleeding.

I have had no cramping or discomfort, and I only wear a panty liner that barely collects anything. (I’ve only noticed bleeding occurs when I go to the bathroom).

I had implantation bleeding my first pregnancy, but I never experienced bleeding like this. Pregnancy tests still show positive. My first prenatal appointment is Feb. 8.

Does this seem normal or has anyone experienced this? I talked with triage and they were not too concerned about it, but I thought I would stop bleeding by now. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Thank you!!