Egg donation

Kenzie • Just tracking my cycle. Dog mom and always on the go!

Hi! I’m on a weight loss journey to become overall healthy but I’ve also been interested in donating my eggs. (I’m 23 years old). What are your pros/cons of receiving donated eggs?

I don’t necessarily plan on having children of my own. My best friend has PCOS and can’t control her weight, so not being able to conceive is a big concern of hers as she rarely gets a period at almost 24 years old; so I wouldn’t mind being able to help other women have a baby because I know how important that can be. And obviously the compensation for doing so is a motivator as well to help with my bills.

I don’t have any medical conditions that would prevent me from donating and I have contacted a fertility center near me to know specifics to work towards a goal; I hope to be able to donate this fall/winter if possible!

With all of that being said; as having your children via <a href="">IVF</a>, how was that process and do you face/have faced any personal struggles?

I’d like to hear both sides before I go through the process!

Thank you!