Is it just me? Am I the one in the wrong??

Ever since I’ve had my kids (2 & 1) my partner has changed a lot. Literally just this morning he got mad at me because I wanted to sleep in. He said since I sleep until 8 on the week days I don’t get to sleep in on the weekends. I also HAVE to make his coffee and lunch every single morning. If I don’t he slams cabinets and tells me things saying he should just cheat on me so he can have someone do it for him. He gets so loud the kids will wake up at 5:30 in the morning and then he leaves me with fussy still tired toddlers that won’t go back to sleep. I told him this morning that I’m a person too. I’m not just a mom and I’m not just his girlfriend but he said he didn’t care. My son started crying for his morning milk and right after that conversation he tells me “go do what your supposed to do” while he went and laid back down. Idk what’s gotten into him lately. We’re coming up on our 7 year anniversary but I think he’s getting tired of me 😞