Started IVF Injections today

I started the injections today after trying to conceive with PCOS since 2019. Approaching 31 and still nothing so we have been busting our butts (my husband and I) to get to this point with insurance and tests for us both. I have 20+ follicles in each ovary...but nothing was coming.

I struggle with needles in general. My anxiety with them is so bad that I have to lay down to avoid passing out. Rolling veins also don’t help. Despite that, I stuck myself and my husband had to help with the rest. So much better than I thought it would go! I literally had an anxiety attack right after and burst into tears because this shit is so hard.

I need some support. A mantra. Something I can repeat or visually carry around with me to remain strong. I know I can do this, but I think I may need a little help. 🥺