My story


Okay so my baby is now 3 weeks I just wanted to tell my story my labour was a total of nine hours long I got the epidural which worked only for an hour had three female nurses screaming for me to push I'm weak not only from being in pain but because I only got an hour worth of sleep I pushed for an hour my baby would crown then go back in I couldn't push anymore and no matter how many times i told them that they tried forcing me to keep trying even after they called an emergency c section they said they thought he got stuck but not sure they also had me flat on my back I went in for the c section which I had to be put to sleep for bc I felt everything which at this point my body had started pushing by itself woke up got rolled to my room and ever since then my baby hasn't left my side he is my whole world and even though I went through hell to get him here I would do it all again because he is the best thing to ever happen to me