Testing for peace of mind

Katie • Mom to an Angel 👼♥️ Mom to Be August 2021 🤰🏼married to an amazing man 💍

Am I the only one that’s done this? I’ve easily took 10 tests in the five weeks I’ve know (week 9 currently). Obviously the majority were when I first found out but I’ve taken at least 1 a week since just to see that line and know everything is still there. We haven’t had our first dr appointment and I haven’t had any morning sickness, my boobs are no longer sore, and every cramp I get totally freaks me out. Honestly, if everything is okay, this has been the perfect pregnancy. But I’m so scared of the off chance that it’s not. I don’t feel like anyone else quite understands this feeling. I know for sure my husband thinks I’m crazy. Please tell me I’m not the only one that does this 😩