TTC # 2 - still no period (12 mo PP)

Sarah • 34 y/o. Baby boy born Jan 15, 2020. Pregnant with # 2. Stepmom to a 14 year old.

Wanting to hear other people's experiences!

I'm 12 months PP, just finished breastfeeding on Friday and I still haven't had a period (I assume thats due to the fact I've been breastfeeding. I know many women still get their periods while breastfeeding. Not me though). Hubby and I want to start actively trying again once my period returns.

1) how long after stopping breastfeeding did you get your period (for those who didn't get their periods while breastfeeding)

2) how many cycles TTC did it take to conceive your 2nd baby (once you got your period again)?

I'm going to start LH strips and temping again. I wanted Irish twins but no period has put a kibosh on that plan 🤣

Thanks ladies! Xoxox