Stupid mistakes


So, I had an abortion in august. My boyfriend left the decision up to me because it’s my body and my decision. He made the decision hard because he said he didn’t want the baby he also didn’t make me feel reassured like things would be okay if we decided to have it. I felt alone during the short lived pregnancy and I told him that and he apologized for it and said he didn’t intend to make me feel alone. My issue is, I am so unhappy because I’m seeing other ppl getting pregnant and their partners obviously giving reassurance and making things feel okay. I just feel so sad about my decision and I can’t talk about it because people are so shitty towards those who have abortions. I had 2 and both times I feel bad this time I feel worst because I wanted it. I felt okay about things but because I’m so hooked on what other people think I wanted to make sure he was on the same page and things just didn’t feel genuine when he started getting used to it ... I don’t wanna have sex anymore. Most of the time, I wanna be alone I feel so stupid : I’m so mad at myself. To make things worst, The abortion took longer than ever to finish the job. Which makes me think I was really supposed to keep the baby. I took the medical pill 3x because I had tissue stuck, almost had to have the surgical procedure and I cramped really bad. Had dreams about the baby, that eventually subsided. But i think those are all signs. Now I just sit and bask in these emotions and don’t talk about them because nobody understands me and people will think I’m stupid.